What is paintball?
At its essence, paintball is a competitive game played like any other competitive game, to win. It requires specific gear, (goggles, a gun/marker, pressurized gas, and paintballs) so you can safely shoot at others and be shot at.
Paintball is like a more challenging, high-stakes version of tag, hide-and-seek, or capture the flag. Beyond that, paintball is hard to describe. It can be played with as few as two people or as many as 500; a game can last 5 minutes or 24 hours; it's objective might be to take something, bring something, find something,or simply be the last person standing.
Depending on the field you play, tactics will vary as well. A paintball game will be different every time, but there's one for sure when you play at Western Paintball – Terry Hills: it's an adrenaline rush.
Why play at Western Paintball - Terry Hills?
Start Anytime:
With Western Paintball we have multiple start times. We understand that although you want to play paintball, you may not want to wake up at 4.00am to do it.
Free Barbeque for Group Bookings:
Every deposited player who turns up for their session will also get one of our delicious BBQ Sausage Sizzle absolutely free! Who says there's no such thing as a free lunch?
To be eligible for the group bonus deposits must be paid 1 Week prior to the booking and have at least 15 Players.
Cheap Packages:
We offer the best selection of packages and best of all you do not need to choos before the day. No need to commit your friends to a particular package. When you arrive on the day we will run through all the package options. Players in your group do not have to pick the same package either, you can, but it makes no difference. See all of our packages here
Best and latest equipment:
We only use the latest in paintball gear and not just our guns. We also use the ultra-modern and super comfortable JT Spectra Masks which are fitted with dual 'Thermal' lenses that help prevent fogging. All goggles are cleaned before you use them and you will not be given a mask that was worn by someone two hours earlier..
How much does it cost?
We have packages starting from a low $60.00! which includes all your rental\playing gear, gun and paintballs.
What should I wear?
Here at Western Paintball, we supply you with camouflage overalls for you to wear, we suggest you wear light-weight clothing underneath. Avoid heavy clothing as this will cause overheating, resulting in fatigue and/or heatstroke. (females are given free hire of chest protection).
I’ve never played before, will I be “out-gunned”?
No experience is necessary. Special attention is given to beginner players with beginners' games, along with top-line rentals, to guarantee that a fun time is had by all. From the beginner to the best Pro players in the country, Western Paintball has you covered.
What are paintballs made of?
A paintball is a round, gelatine capsule similar to large round vitamin capsules or bath oilbeads. The fill inside is non-toxic, water soluble and biodegradable, which rinses out of clothing with mild soap.
Can I wear glasses and play paintball?
Definitely. Glasses will fit comfortably under our JT Spectra paintball masks. If you do wear glasses, let one of our staff know and we will apply some anti-fog solution to your glasses. All of the goggles used at Western Paintball fields are equipped with thermal double lenses to prevent fogging. There's nothing worse than trying to play paintball in a set of single lens goggles that keep fogging.
OK, so paintball is “safe”, but doesn’t it hurt?
Honestly, sometimes.
It depends on where it hits, whether it breaks or not (balls that just bounce off tend to be more painful),and what kind of clothing you are wearing. All paintball markers at Western Paintball shoot under the legal limit of 300 feet per second and we strictly enforce a 3 metre "surrender" rule. Sometimes you won't even feel a hit. But even when a shot does hurt, it's usually just a quick sting the kind of thing you say "Ow!"about and then forget about a few seconds later. When the adrenaline takes over, you'll barely notice.
Is paintball dangerous?
On the contrary, paintball is one of the safest activities out there. Industry standards like approved paintball masks, thorough safety briefings for players, and limits on paintball gun velocities help prevent injuries. Also, Western Paintball – Terry Hills has highly trained referees to ensure that everyone follows the rules and stays safe, while having maximum fun!
How old do I have to be to play?
At Western Paintball, you must be at least 16 years of age to play with a parent/guardian on site (they do not have to play).